Saturday, January 3, 2009

Blogger vs. Typepad vs. Wordpress

So...we're almost done with the holidays...good. The expectations (and disappointments) of this season were rather overwhelming. Apart from the days off from work, I'll be happy to get back to a time where the obligations and responsibilities of family are lessened somewhat.

And refocusing, I've just done my third redesign on my business blog as I'm just not happy with what I'm getting from Typepad. I wish I were since I've been there so long...but...I'm seriously considering a move to Wordpress. I particularly am intrigued by the function where one can set up lots of pages...and have the blog be an adjunct aspect. It's what I've wanted all along but was too lazy to build myself.

As for blogger, nothing beats the ease of personal blogging with blogger. I'm here for the duration!

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