Thursday, April 29, 2010

If I were a painter

My artistic statement:
"It's endemic to the human condition, the need to communicate is a primal, elementary force. Painting gives me a freedom of expression with color and movement that hasn't found it's way into my journals and letters. Fluidity, morbidity, life...these are big ideas that I want to convey but I've always found my writing too one-dimentional to capture the full sense. As a new painter and lifelong writer, I hope my brand of visual language speaks to those who choose to linger."

And here is more:

" With regard to art, ---to paintings both abstract and figurative, above all, art that I favor has to leave a mark. The best work can illuminate and elevate me. And while important writing can do the same, as I've grown older I've craved the immediacy of the visual-- that unmediated and blissful assault to the senses. I want to seek this out and explore another aspect of my persona.

Like many individuals, I create to satisfy my palate. Though I'm not formally trained, I'm pleased with the results. It does what I want it to do."

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