Saturday, January 30, 2010

Lone Wolf

One thing about really highlights how many "friends" you actually have...and for me it's precious few. Most people have upwards of 200. I have 13. That's it. And I've wracked my brain, trying to come up with names but either they are too successful for facebook (more likely to be on LinkedIn) or they just hate social media in general and don't participate.

Still, I feel rather chagrined at my paltry friend list. And at whose feet does the blame for this one lie? Mine of course. I have the profile of a hermit.

The other thing that is going on for me is that I find it rather presumptuous to ask someone who I haven't seen in a while if they'd like to friend me. It just feels kinda like begging. (remember that old saw by Groucho Marx "I'd never join any group that would have me as a member." that.

So most of my "friends" are family or extended family. Or 'pity-friendings' from friends of friends. And my mother.

I've tried to make up for the lack of friends by joining groups--typically writing related groups or listing myself as a fan of certain writers. I'm that weird one with no friends but lots of passionate devotion to certain organizations.

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